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Organic New Zealand Flaxseed

Expertly grown and harvested on the South Island of New Zealand by Functional Whole Foods.

Grown In Nutrient Rich Alpine Soils

North westerly storms continually replenish the south islands soils with glacial dust from alpine riverbeds and means the soils of the region are amongst the world’s most nutrient rich. Organic growing techniques reinforce the inherent health of these soils using regenerative agricultural methods that contribute to soil organic matter and minimise the leaching of nutrients.


Exceptional Quality Standards

When you choose organic flaxseed grown in New Zealand you know you are getting the most natural whole food product available. This flaxseed is certified in both Australia and New Zealand for maximum confidence.

ACO Certified Organic

Try Organic New Zealand Flaxseed

We primarily focus on whole brown and golden flaxseed (although some customers refer to it as organic brown linseed or organic golden linseed). Through our partners we can provide solutions for oil and pressed cake.


Organic Brown Flaxseed

Organic Brown Linseed


Organic Golden Flaxseed

Organic Golden Linseed

Get in touch today to try these products.

Environmentally Conscious Supply Chain

Road and sea transport is the leading CO2 emitter in international trade-related transport. These New Zealand flaxseed emissions are minimal, with a port just 110km from their seed cleaning facility and a couple of days ocean transit versus four to eight weeks for European or North American organic product.


The Favoured Climate Of Flaxseed

A mountainous backbone along a long thin island provides an unusual combination of alpine and maritime climates, which in summer provides hot days, followed by cool nights. This rare combination underpins the storage of excess energy as Omega-3 at levels 10-15% higher than growing regions elsewhere in the world.

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